DJI Mavic 3 Pro má trojobjektívový systém, ktorý otvára novú éru kamerových dronov tým, že obsahuje tri snímače a objektívy s rôznymi ohniskovými vzdialenosťami. Vybavený Hasselblad kamerou a duálnymi teleobjektívmi, DJI Mavic 3 Pro je trojobjektívový dron, ktorý odomkne nové zorné uhly, umožní vám ďalej rozvíjať tvorivú slobodu, zachytiť fascinujúce scenérie, preskúmať fotografické rozprávanie a vytvoriť filmové majstrovské diela.
The DJI Mavic 3 Pro has a triple-lens system that opens up a new era of camera drones by featuring three sensors and lenses with different focal lengths. Equipped with a Hasselblad camera and dual telephoto lenses, the DJI Mavic 3 Pro is a triple-lens drone that unlocks new perspectives, allowing you to further develop your creative freedom, capture fascinating scenery, explore photographic storytelling and create cinematic masterpieces.
Neprekonateľný trojobjektívový vlajkový obraz
Jeden dron, tri objektívy a nekonečná predstavivosť. DJI Mavic 3 Pro s viacerými ohniskovými vzdialenosťami trojobjektívového systému dokáže dosiahnuť ešte bohatší kamerový zážitok a plne vyjadriť kreativitu s vynikajúcimi schopnosťami pre viaceré scenáre. Môžete ťuknúť na displej a prepínať medzi rôznymi ohniskovými vzdialenosťami a ľahko začleniť rozdielne štýly kompozície pre rôzne scenáre. Premieňajte svoju inšpiráciu na dôvtip s vylepšenou efektivitou trojobjektívovej leteckej fotografie.
DJI Mavic 3 Pro inherited the 4/3” CMOS Hasselblad camera of the DJI Mavic 3 series, and therefore DJI Mavic 3 Pro is the next step for professional creation. The Hasselblad camera supports the capture of 12-bit RAW photos with a native dynamic range of up to 12.8 stops, which presents unforgettable image details. Because the Hasselblad Natural Color Solution (HNCS) accurately reproduces the colors perceived by the human eye, you get amazing shots without the need for heavy post-production or complex color presets.
The new 10-bit D-Log M color mode supports the recording of up to one billion colors. Even in high-contrast scenarios such as sunrises and sunsets, it delivers natural color transitions with fine details for a full-spectrum visual experience. In addition, D-Log M mode reduces the difficulty of color grading, allowing you to fully enjoy effective post-production without losing image quality or clarity.
A medium telephoto lens is suitable for a variety of subjects and scenes. It compresses depth of field and focus to emphasize the subject and create a strong visual center of gravity, giving camera movement a unique sense of space. Just focus on the inspiration and let the DJI Mavic 3 Pro perform a concert of light and shadow before your eyes.
The improved telephoto lens offers higher resolution and a wider f/3.4 aperture. It supports 4K/60fps video recording with 7x optical zoom and 12MP photos. The hybrid zoom reaches up to 28x. Zoom in and immerse yourself in the rich details of the image.
You don't have to risk flying close. You can easily observe animals from a distance without disturbing them or explore snowy mountains and buildings safely, capturing high-quality aerial photos with efficiency and calmness.
DJI Mavic 3 Pro provides up to 43 minutes of flight time [2], giving you more confidence to fly further and spend less time worrying about battery levels. Do every step from planning a flight path to composing a shot in a single flight.
Omnidirectional obstacle sensing and APAS 5.0
DJI Mavic 3 Pro ensures safe flying and creation with peace of mind. Eight wide-angle visual sensors work with a high-performance visual computing engine to accurately sense obstacles in all directions and plan a safe flight path to avoid them. [6]
Top video transmission
The DJI O3+ offers a transmission distance of up to 15 km [3] with stable signals that present a more coherent view from the camera. It can transmit 1080p/60fps HD live stream at high frame rates, which makes DJI Mavic 3 Pro more responsive to your control and gives you more vivid video on your monitor.
Flight by points
The points-based flight feature enhances the automated flight experience. The DJI Mavic 3 Pro automatically plans a flight route based on the user's preset waypoints and can accurately repeat routes.
Controlled "drifting"
Set DJI Mavic 3 Pro to fly in any direction without constantly pressing the control sticks. This makes long-term flying effortless and helps reduce shake during manual control for smoother camera movement.
Advanced RTH
Always end on a high note with Advanced Return Home (RTH). This auto-return function allows the DJI Mavic 3 Pro to automatically determine a safe and efficient flight path back to its home point. Combining the advantages of advanced RTH and traditional RTH, DJI Mavic 3 Pro can easily bypass obstacles on the way home.
Intelligent creation, endless inspiration
FocusTrack [7]
The Hasselblad camera and medium telephoto lens of the DJI Mavic 3 Pro support FocusTrack, which includes ActiveTrack 5.0, Spotlight and Point of Interest, enabling stable tracking shots in various directions.
MasterShots [8]
Click to enable MasterShots and the DJI Mavic 3 Pro will automatically shoot, edit, add audio tracks and then generate movie footage.
QuickShots [8]
QuickShots allows the DJI Mavic 3 Pro to perform various camera movements such as Dronie, Rocket, Circle and Helix.
Panorama [8]
DJI Mavic 3 Pro can directly compose 100MP lossless panoramic photo and capture more breathtaking scenery.
Quick transfer QuickTransfer
Quickly transfer photos and videos to your smartphone without connecting a remote control.
Wirelessly connect the DJI Mavic 3 Pro to the LightCut app on your phone for quick clip preview and one-click AI editing, without downloading footage, saving space on your phone. Try templates created specifically for MasterShots and easily create amazing aerial videos that will amaze and amaze.
Simple adjustment
LightCut can recognize subjects in footage, automatically edit and create 4K/60fps videos. It is also able to deconstruct MasterShots clips and instantly generate videos with special templates.
Countless aerial photography templates
Choose from a variety of creative templates, such as dynamic tilt-shift, with sky-perfect music and effects to make your creations shine.
Wireless connection
Wirelessly connect to the DJI Mavic 3 series via Wi-Fi and save space on your phone with quick preview and automatic editing without the need to output footage from the aircraft.
DJI Mavic 3 Pro 1x
DJI RC Control stick (pair) 1x
DJI Mavic 3 Inteligent Battery 1x
DJI Mavic 3 Low-Noice Propellers (pair) 3x
DJI 65W Portable Charger 1x
DJI Mavic 3 Pro Storage Cover 1x
USB 3.0 Type-C Cable 1x
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